Some Wacky Gameshow Date: 7/11/2022 ----- I was in a game show, and we were doing this quiz but with giant pencils. We were divided into teams of three, and each of us had a part to do in the challenge: dive into a pit of giant pencils and find one with a sharp tip and an eraser, then hurry over to our teams' tables and get the quiz done. I managed to find one, but it costed me the whole challenge since I got a bit stuck. Eventually it was elimination time and we were up for it. The host played a recording of Sonic being taken away by some giant hand since he was the one to be eliminated and put inside this giant glass egg for incubation, filled with red liquid. The host read the votes, and they were all pointed to me, even though the pit of pencils was legit hard to find footing and get up. The elimination hand was about to grab me, until I pulled out another pencil and stabbed it multiple times. It deflated with an echo-y scream, and the host needed to call in backup. I stabbed him 37 times in the chest before he could do so. I didn't know what I was thinking during this but I ran over to the glass incubation eggs and punctured it, freeing sonic. That's when I pulled out a giant knife and hopped on Sonic's back, pleading for him to take us somewhere safe, and off we went. I could hear chase music being played as the host, who was still alive, was trying to call reinforcements. I stabbed him straight in the head as we were running by, and he dropped dead for good. We were out of the area that the quiz challenge was hosted at and made it to the exit doors, until security guards showed up. Welp, it was time for another genocide route spree! Sonic didn't really fight as he saw me go nuts with my knife, but he told me that there's elimination hands coming up behind us if we don't hurry fast enough. I was absolutely insane and ran towards those hands and tore them up with every slash conceivable, and broke the glass exit doors once I was done. Despite being concerned for my well-being and the mess of blood on me, Sonic got me on his back, and we zoomed away into the fields, where there was nothing but green pastures, clear and beautiful water, and even a little beach. I cried as I was hugging Sonic, thanking him for saving not only mine, but our lives, and despite everything that had happened, he gave me a smile and patted me on the head. But that's when Sonic slowly disappeared, with a bunch of sparkles. I didn't expect him to disappear like that, and I was just frantically looking for him. I plunged my giant knife into the grass and broke into tears again, screaming for his name as loud as I could go. All the while I could faintly hear a soft piano. In the elimination scene, I vividly remember hearing some sort of melody as that host was showing the footage, and it made me cry a bit. It was very reminiscent of the "Oh Dungeon" theme from Undertale. ----- Archived by Lavie Extra notes: That's one messed up game show.