Social SmashWare Kart Date: 2/25/2024 ----- I was in my social skills class from my only semester of college. We were playing a game, that was a mixture of that electric pole game, Smash Bros, Mario Kart, platforming, and WarioWare. We were taking turns on a board and seeing who goes next, when I'm up and I go next. I roll the dice in the game, and it's Smash Bros. So we're fighting in the game, and first thing that happens it I get eliminated. Why? No reason. I saw Tails flying off the map and him exploding into pieces, which prompted me to spike my controller down, where I was given detention and told to keep playing the game. When we started a new game, I didnt pick up the controller, and instead I was drawing in my sketchbook. The professor came up to me and handed me my controller, but I didnt nudge, so she tried to take my sketchbook away from me. She tried and tried but I held onto it like gorilla tape, and pushed her away from me. Now the rest of the classroom was looking at me, upset, and chattering amongst each other. She tried to give my my controller again, but I still didn't nudge, so another classmate tried looking at what I was drawing, but I turned my back to him, which that didn't buzz him off, so he turned around, and I turned my back again. Eventually, I punched him in the face and yelled for him to fuck off. So now the rest of the class was mad at me and trying to grab me, but I took an extra chair and started to attack them back. It ended with a lotta people covered in blood. Nobody dead, just greatly injured. The result of this? Expelled and forced to take anger management classes outside, but not without my last trick, where I snuck in the room when everyone was gone, stuck a USB in, and copied over the game to my USB, to which I later played on my own by myself. ----- Archived by Lavie Extra notes: Glancing at all these dreams... Is there something you wanna talk about?