SRB2 Equestria Date: 12/31/2022 ----- I was playing SRB2 with other people online until we got to the end of Greenflower zone 3, and we all saw Discord appear, and he said he needs three gems, but didn't bother to explain. so now we're in an extra act of Greenflower, looking all over the green hills of the map when we faintly heard him say "Three gems... all I need... to destroy... Equestria..." that's when the playercount went down to two people, me and someone else. As I was looking for these gems I kept hearing Discord trying to persuade me to use these gems to turn against the others and Equestria, but I was too stupid to pay attention to what he was saying and just kept looking for the rest of the gems. Eventually, we found the gems and Discord's mad that we didn't hand them over to him, so now we're fighting, and he spawns in fake players with the gunslinger weapons in a modified version of Meadow Match zone. fortunately we were able to take them out since we were Adventure Sonic, and he got really pissed off after some time, and starting chasing after us in Stardust Speedway, with a Metal Sonic version of himself attacking us from afar. After an hour of fighting, we beat Discord and head on over to Techno Hill zone 2, where we were inside a burning factory, and the gems we collected got turned into bubble shields and 20 rings. At the end of THZ2, we met up with Twilight Sparkle and Sonic, and they helped us get miles away from the factory that was about to explode. Again, ALL OF THIS in SRB2. Imagine if there was an actual mod that was this in SRB2 that would be CRAZY ----- Archived by Lavie