Ruined Camping Trip
Date: 8/3/2022
I was camping with some other people on this lovely field at night, but then all of a sudden we hear a flute. There was a group of people dressed in dark red hooded robes, with pitch back face masks and what looks to be some sort of holster for a dagger. They were standing there with their hands behind their backs, until the leader of that group started to charge as us, then the others followed. We all got up as fast as we could and booked it to this shed. We found a bunch of weapons and ammunition and quickly took them. One of us tossed a grenade at them and the rest of us started to fire. Our weapons were rapid fire, so they made holes in that group like nobody's business.

One by one, that group fell like flies, till all that was left was the leader. We all stuck close together as we saw him slowly walk towards us.

As he drew closer, he suddenly started to run at us, and that was the cue to open fire. He got very close to us, but never laid a single finger on any of us. Our camping night was ruined, and we had to pack our things and drive to a different spot as the corpses of these red guys were just lying on the grass, painting the ground red slowly.

This is the second time I've seen these red hooded guys in my dreams, the first being a while back with the whole "Happy Smiles Daycare" dream.
Archived by Lavie
Extra notes: These guys are persistent, huh? I'm gonna have to get some research done on these guys...