Not Sketchopolis Date: 1/2/2023 ----- I was buying groceries with my dad till this tall white man with a small beard wearing a navy blue t-shirt with some brown shorts and sandals with blue eyes approached us and said we were violating store policies, so I took out my phone and recorded him. He kept approsching us as I kept telling him to back off, repeating that we violated store policies when that's not even true. After a minute he pulled out a gun and pointed it at my dad, which he managed to hold captive. He then led us outside, still pointing his gun at us, and told us to wsit here. He tried grabbing my stuff, to which I kept holding onto my pouch firmly, but I ended up losing my little pouch which had my house keys, wallet, phone, and other things. So now we're on the outskirts of a supermarket parking lot, next to a deflated bus. He told us to get on as he was watching us, gun ready to fire at any moment. Now we were being driven to some place that's supposedly a utopia, according to the tvs on the bus. I could hear him muttering that we're going to be put in these small and cramped and broken homes, with a little chuckle afterwards. After a few minutes, we arrive, and everything's in vibrant colors. Most of us apart from two people explore this place while we have an intercom saying "Any place you want is yours to live in!" It's now sunset, and I noticed one of us is scrubbing the town hall part of this place to find that it's just been painted over, so he calls the rest of us over for something important. He tells us that we're in a concentration camp disguised as a cartoon's world, to which some of us started to panic. The scrubber told us that we'll be escaping this delusion at night. Fast forward to nighttime, and everyone's still in their same clothes, with worn-out backpacks that have some of this place's things. We silently make our way to the gates of this place, and we creak the doors open, but that's when an alarm went off and we had to hide. That same guy from earlier came running in with an AK-47 in his hands, ready to shoot any of us dead. He was then pelted by a rock, then a few more, while rustling leaves can be heard. We were now by the same bus, ready to tip it over to stop this evil man. we could hear him be on the other side of the bus. "NOW IS OUR CHANCE." And so we tipped the bus over, essentially killing him, and we rejoice. Now we get the bus back up and start piling in, and we head back to the supermarket, where families, policemen, and relatives were all waiting for us. I saw my dad there who found my pouch, along with my sister. The policemen took notes of the bus, interviewed some of us, and news outlets were even here, doing the same thing! ----- Archived by Lavie