Mine Maze Date: 3/24/2024 ----- Me and another person entering some cave and into the mines, where we had to rescue someone. When we got to this room with sand on the floor in a circle, this giant skull with horns appeared and said he needed a sacrifice..... But neither of us was willing to be sacrificed so he made the mines crumble as we got the victim and left. We had a few close calls but we escaped. Now we're out of the mines and back at the caves, and we hear a train coming by, so we hopped aboard on the top of the train and snuck our way into one of the cars. we eventually saw daylight and grass and such, and now we were heading to this building, where we got off and started looking around. We found this shop that was actually a church, and on the second floor, there was a theater. The lights were off and nobody was there, so we just looked around and saw a buncha bootleg stuff, but I managed to find some Gamecube and PS2 titles, and decided to steal them, alongside memory cards. Also saw this sign that had Conker giving the thumbs up and big text that said "China", and windows that led to an empty parking lot at sunset. When we were at the exit, some loon chased us like a werewolf, but I ended up shooting him till he was dead. But... now I needed to use the bathroom, and so I scurried over to the nearest one and noticed that everything there had a liminal look to it, which is when I realized that this was the same bathroom I saw in the Body Swap Water Park dream, only this time some stalls were broken and had some scribbles from some people. The others were waiting for me but I was busy just needing to go, and well, you can't exactly rush it. When I finished up, I noticed that they were gone, but left behind things that they stole, so I kept whatever they had for myself. And now all that's left is me just exploring this mall and getting myself back in shape. ----- Archived by Lavie