Desert Bus with Pizza and Legs Date: 12/2/2023 ----- I saw my dad in a train station in the middle of a desert, and a bus was on the tracks instead, with Trump as the driver. He went on and on about he made America great, and we were driving through Arid Canyon zone from SRB2. After a while we arrived but he said we can't be here yet since the tour guides only take two groups at a time, but I managed to glitch myself out the bus and see dad. We were given a bunch of pizza slices to sample, such as nori pineapple, pepper veggie, ham and bacon, etc. After that, we got to see around a city, and I remember seeing Spaicy there, one of LouLouVZ's characters, except she was in half was only her legs. She was cool to talk to. Eventually, we left the city and headed back home, completely forgetting about the bus and everyone else on it. At least I got to see the sky being pretty and such, but it was a long train ride home. Best part? I got Spaciy's legs since she gave them to me, since she can float. ----- Archived by Lavie Extra notes: One part I had to leave out since I don't want anybody to get the wrong idea of something.