Confusing College Directions Date: 3/10/2024 ----- Same scenario as in College Hall Monitor, but this time, I was looking for a class called "Recycleable Health" which had this professor named Captain Arlington. I had lots of trouble finding the room since it didn't specify what number or floor, but that's when Eric appeared and I told him I needed help finding this classroom. So we looked at all the floors, finding the room, until we looked at the second floor and in a corner of the building, we found it. I opened the door and everyone was staring at us, and Arlington changed from having this upbeat face to a murderous cold one, and said "you're late." I told him I had trouble finding the classroom since the schedule paper I had never specified what floor or number, but he didn't care and told me to sit down. So now we were in the classroom, but throughout the entire session we had eyes staring at us, which made me panic as Eric was trying to comfort me with hugs. ----- Archived by Lavie Extra notes: Well that's not fair to just dismiss the lack of directions needed to get to the classroom, is it, Arlington?