Carol's Weird Adventure Date: 1/2/2022 ----- I woke up that day with a dream of Carol from Freedom Planet losing all her body parts, and every single one of them started gaining sentience, to the point where they formed into her body and treated the head as a pet. But that part of the dream came after this one; I was swinging around on ropes in Egg Rock zone from SRB2 (more specifically the version from 2.2), trying to avoid one of the most cheesiest creepypastas ever; Sonic.exe, and I was playing as Luigi. But, for every 10 rings or coins I collected, they kept reverting back to 0, which got me pretty pissed after a few times, so after a few times, I typed in chat "Can you stop draining my rings supply?" To which he replied "No." Then most strangest thing then happened. Everything in a blink of an eye suddenly became Sonic Unleashed, except I was playing as my Mii that I set up in the vWii's Mii Channel on my Wii U, and I was in this school with a few other people, and remember that cheesey creepypasta from earlier? he poofed out of existence, he was gone. But that was after I kept running around in this modern building with him chasing me. This teacher came in with a small puppet theater playset, but when she unraveled the curtains, all it revealed was a very metallic blue-colored void, and anyone who spoke got sucked into it and died. A few people got sucked in, and so did Carol, unfortunately. But the moment the teacher turned off the lights so we could watch a movie, I was suddenly the new Carol, and then a duplicate was right next to me. Why were there two new Carols after the original just died in Super Mario Galaxy style? I don't know. Everyone kept talking throughout the movie, so I eventually gave up watching it and started playing some modded Smash Bros. on my new 2DS XL (all the while I was treating Carol's legs like it was my own pet). The teacher noticed us not watching the movie and decided to leave, which prompted everyone to also leave. And NOW this is the part where Carol comes in. The other Carol's body parts started to detach from her and form their own lives, eventually forming into a body and treating her head as a pet like I mentioned earlier. I asked her body if I could tag along, and she said yes. Next thing we knew, we were at Lilac's treehouse. Just two Carols enjoying the detached life (well, minus the clone's head being attached to the body and being treated as a pet, but still, we were vibing.). ----- Archived by Lavie