Beach Buds Date: 1/27/2023 ----- I was at a beach at sunset with a huge hotel behind me, with other people there as well. When I looked at myself with my phone's camera, I was my self-insert in a striped swimsuit. So I was walking around, occasionally going in the water, but I remember seeing a pool and a hot tub as well. There were also people playing some volleyball and I asked if I could join in, and they said yes. The last thing I remember was meeting up with Eric and he was wearing his own swimsuit, and we just hung out with each other, playing volleyball, swimming, relaxing at the hot tub, and then before the sun set entirely... we kissed. Eric was in an orange and yellow while mine was pastel blue and white. ----- Archived by Lavie Extra notes: Aww, that's sweet! You got to hang out with Eric and you two kissed on top of that? So adorable! ^^