A Weird SRB2 Beta Date: 8/1/2023 ----- I had a dream about playing a beta of SRB2. Sonic had his placeholder X-Treme sprites and only four frames for running and walking, and I was in a mishmash of old GFZ1 and GFZ2. When I got to the end, I saw some sort of building that had Tails and Final Demo's Knuckles standing beside a cell that had Sonic with no limbs in it, then I was sent to what the game called Techno Hill Zone 1, but the music was slow and it looked like it was Greenflower Zone again, and it was snowing while I was being chased by Detons who were green and functioned more like Doom's Lost Souls. What's more odd is that Final Demo Knux was this style mishmash between the placeholder prerenders and what he got in 2.0, AND he had 16 different direction frames instead of 8, much like N64 Mario. ----- Archived by Lavie Extra notes: Sounds like one hell of a weird SRB2 beta.